========== Recycling ========== MIT has several recycling programs for various lab plastics, packaging, and so on. The up to date `Facilities information site `_ should be checked for details. Currently, we recycle the following items in the following ways: - **Cardboard**: break down the box and place it in/near a blue recycling bin, especially the one in the atrium. - **Hard plastics #1, #2, #5**: place in a blue recycling bin. - **Pipette tip boxes and conical racks**: place in the specific pipette tip/rack collection box. We schedule pickups through `this Quickbase link `_. This box goes to a local startup who recycles these. - **Styrofoam**: Leave clean coolers/boxes/lids made of Styrofoam **next to** a blue recycling bin. Bag Styrofoam into clear plastic bags for pickup. - **Film plastic**: Collect film plastics (e.g., palette wrap, the plastic around filter tips) *into the labeled cardboard box in main TC, not into the standard blue recycling bins*. The blue recycling bins go to the single-stream recycling provider, and films can gum up those machines. We can move our film to the plastic bag recycling in the basement room (66-017). We do not recycle the following: - Anything bio- or chemically-contaminated - Gloves, even if they are clean.