Source code for

A submodule implementing common IO handling mechanisms.

## Rationale
File and folder management is a common problem when
handling large datasets. You often want to separate
out large data from your code. How do you keep track
of where your data is, especially if moving between
different computers/clusters?

`` adds convenience functions to handle
common cases, as well as writing metadata with
your output files that identify input files.

import datetime
import hashlib
import subprocess
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import pandas as pd
import yaml

# Datadir/rootdir-related detection
[docs]class NoDatadirError(RuntimeError): """ No datadir.txt file found. Error raised when rushd is unable to locate a datadir.txt path in the current file. """
def _locate_datadir_txt() -> Optional[Path]: """ Walk up the filesystem from the current directory until a 'datadir.txt' file is found. Returns ------- A Path pointing to the root datadir file, None if a root datadir could not be found. Raises ------ UntrackedRepositoryError: if the search path could not find a root tame.yaml file. """ try: current_dir = Path.cwd() # Resolve to an absolute path current_dir = current_dir.resolve() while not (current_dir / "datadir.txt").is_file(): up_dir = current_dir.parent # Make sure we didn't reach the filesystem root if up_dir == current_dir: return None # otherwise, continue searching current_dir = up_dir return current_dir / "datadir.txt" except PermissionError: return None def _load_root_datadir( datadir_txt: Optional[Path], ) -> Tuple[Optional[Path], Optional[Path]]: """ Locate the root and datadir, returning Paths if possible. Uses the location of the datadir.txt file to define the data directory and the 'root' directory. Leading and trailing newlines are stripped before the datadir is processed. Parameters ---------- datadir_txt: The location of the datadir.txt file, if loaded. Returns ------- A tuple containing (rootdir, datadir). Each tuple component is None if the desired directory is not a accessible directory. """ if datadir_txt is None: return (None, None) rootdir = datadir_txt.parent datadir = Path(datadir_txt.read_text().strip("\n")).expanduser() return (rootdir if rootdir.is_dir() else None, datadir if datadir.is_dir() else None) _rootdir, _datadir = _load_root_datadir(_locate_datadir_txt()) if _datadir is None: warnings.warn("Unable to locate datadir.txt", category=ImportWarning, stacklevel=2) def __getattr__(name: str) -> Path: """ Set up module exports. exports two attributes, the datadir export and the rootdir export. """ if name == "datadir": if _datadir is None: raise NoDatadirError( f"No datadir.txt file found in working directory {Path.cwd()} or parents" ) return _datadir if name == "rootdir": if _rootdir is None: raise NoDatadirError( f"No datadir.txt file found in working directory {Path.cwd()} or parents," " so could not define root" ) return _rootdir raise AttributeError(f"No attribute {name} in")
[docs]def git_version() -> Optional[str]: """ Return the current version control state as a string. The state is a string {hash}, with {-dirty} appended if there are edits that have not been saved. Returns None if the current working directory is not contained within a git repository. """ git_log = ["git", "log", "-n1", "--format=format:%H"], check=False, capture_output=True ) git_diff_index = ["git", "diff-index", "--quiet", "HEAD", "--"], check=False, capture_output=True ) # Unable to locate git, or not in a repo if git_log.returncode != 0: return None return git_log.stdout.decode() + ("-dirty" if git_diff_index.returncode != 0 else "")
# Convenience functions for storing files and their hashes _untagged_inputs: Dict[Path, Optional[str]] = {} _tagged_inputs: Dict[str, Dict[Path, Optional[str]]] = {} def _is_relative_to(path: Path, base_path: Path) -> bool: """ Check that a path can be written relative to a base path. This function is needed on Python versions < 3.9. Parameters ---------- path: Path The path to compare against a base path. base_path: Path The path that acts as the base, to write `path` relative to. Returns ------- True if `path` can be written as a relative path to `base_path`, False otherwise """ try: _ = path.relative_to(base_path) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def infile(filename: Union[str, Path], tag: Optional[str] = None, should_hash: bool = True) -> Path: """ Wrap a filename, marking it as an input data file. Passthrough wrapper around a path that (optionally) hashes and adds the file to a internally tracked list. This list accumulates files that potentially went into creation of an output file. Parameters ---------- filename: str or Path The filename of the input file to open. tag: str (optional) A user-defined tag that organizes opened files. should_hash: bool If the input file should be hashed. You may want to skip this if the file is extremely large. Returns ------- A Path object that represents the same file as `filename`. """ if not isinstance(filename, Path): filename = Path(filename) # Hash the file if should_hash: chunk_size = 2**20 sha256 = hashlib.sha256() with open(filename, "rb") as bfile: while True: data = if not data: break sha256.update(data) hash_result = sha256.hexdigest() else: hash_result = None if tag: if tag not in _tagged_inputs: _tagged_inputs[tag] = {} _tagged_inputs[tag][filename] = hash_result else: _untagged_inputs[filename] = hash_result return filename
[docs]def outfile(filename: Union[str, Path], tag: Optional[str] = None) -> Path: """ Wrap a filename, declaring it as a tracked output file. Passthrough method that write a YAML file defining which files went into creating a certain output file. Any needed subdirectories will be created if the outfile is relative to datadir or rootdir. Parameters ---------- filename: str or Path An output filename to write data to. tag: str A user-defined string that groups input and output files together. Returns ------- A Path object that represents the same file as `filename`. Side-effects ------------ For output file `out.txt`, writes a YAML file `out.txt.yaml` that encodes the following type of metadata: ```yaml type: tracked_outfile name: out.txt date: 2022-01-31 git_version: 13a81aa2a7b1035f6b59c2323b0a7c457eb1657e dependencies: - file: some_infile.csv path_type: datadir_relative ``` """ if not isinstance(filename, Path): filename = Path(filename) yaml_result: Dict[str, Union[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]] = { "type": "tracked_outfile", "name":, "date":, } # Save git version if we are in a git repo git = git_version() if git: yaml_result["git_version"] = git if tag: files: Dict[Path, Optional[str]] = _tagged_inputs[tag] if tag in _tagged_inputs else {} else: files: Dict[Path, Optional[str]] = _untagged_inputs file_yaml: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] abs_datadir = _datadir.resolve() if _datadir else None abs_rootdir = _rootdir.resolve() if _rootdir else None for filepath, file_hash in files.items(): result: Dict[str, str] = {} abs_filepath = filepath.resolve() if abs_datadir and _is_relative_to(abs_filepath, abs_datadir): result.update( { "file": str(abs_filepath.relative_to(abs_datadir)), "path_type": "datadir_relative", } ) elif abs_rootdir and _is_relative_to(abs_filepath, abs_rootdir): result.update( { "file": str(abs_filepath.relative_to(abs_rootdir)), "path_type": "rootdir_relative", } ) else: result.update({"file": str(abs_filepath), "path_type": "absolute"}) if file_hash: result.update({"sha256": file_hash}) file_yaml.append(result) yaml_result.update({"dependencies": file_yaml}) # Create all necessary subdirectories if our path is relative to rootdir # or datadirectory. abs_filename_parent = filename.parent.resolve() if (abs_datadir and _is_relative_to(abs_filename_parent, abs_datadir)) or ( abs_rootdir and _is_relative_to(abs_filename_parent, abs_rootdir) ): abs_filename_parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with (filename.parent / ( + ".yaml")).open("w") as yaml_out: yaml.dump(yaml_result, yaml_out) # type: ignore return filename
# Convenience decorator for caching dataframes
[docs]def cache_dataframe(cache_path: Union[Path, str]) -> Callable[..., Callable[..., pd.DataFrame]]: """ Wrap caching functionality around a dataframe-generating function. Notes ----- If you wrap a function that contains an `invalidate` keyword, this keyword will be removed when passed to your function! Parameters ---------- cache_path: str or Path The path at which the dataframe cache should be saved Returns ------- A function that generates a dataframe with optional caching. An extra keyword argument, 'invalidate' is added that invalidates the cache if needed """ if not isinstance(cache_path, Path): savepath = Path(cache_path) else: savepath = cache_path def decorator(gen_func: Callable[..., pd.DataFrame]) -> Callable[..., pd.DataFrame]: def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame: if savepath.exists() and ("invalidate" not in kwargs or not kwargs["invalidate"]): df = pd.read_parquet(savepath) # type: ignore print(f"Loaded a {len(df)}-row dataframe from cache.") return df new_kwargs = dict(kwargs) if "invalidate" in new_kwargs: new_kwargs.pop("invalidate") df = gen_func(*args, **new_kwargs) print(f"Regenerated a {len(df)}-row dataframe...", end="") df.to_parquet(savepath, compression="gzip") # type: ignore print("cached!") return df return wrapper return decorator