Tutorial 2: Examining parameters affecting our models
Lesson PDF: Lesson2_ExaminingParameters.pdf
MATLAB Script: L2_constitutive_param_script.m
On your own:
How does increasing alpha_m affect the steady state mRNA and protein levels? Use the provided code to plot mRNA and protein levels over time for several different values of alpha_m.
How does increasing alpha_p affect the steady state mRNA and protein levels? Increasing beta_m? Increasing beta_p? Choose one of these parameters (alpha_p, beta_m, or beta_p) and plot mRNA and protein levels over time for several different values of that parameter.
Optional: How does increasing beta_p affect the response time of the system (the time for mRNA or protein levels to reach steady state)? Hint: Plot mRNA or protein levels over time normalized to their steady state values.