Glycerol Stocking

After successfully sequencing a bacterial plasmid, we must stock it for storage.

  1. Add pKG # to Quartzy database. Add in a new item to the plasmid database, with the criteria below. The pKG number is XXXXX, use the next pKG number available.



Item Name

pKGXXXXX (put leading zero if neccesary)


bacterial stock

Date Stored

date of storage


description of construct (ex. LentiX-EF1a-mGL-BGH)



Plasmid type

Selection from options

Resistance markers

Selection from options


Bacterial cell type (ex. NEB Stable)

  1. Culture desired 4 mL of bacteria clone with the plasmid in LB Broth with the correct resistance antibiotic (overnight).

  2. Add 2 mL of 60% glycerol to the 4 mL of culture. Mix well.

  3. Aliquot 2 mL of the resulting mixture to three cryovials.

  4. Label each cryovial with pKG#, date, initials, and description of the construct.

  5. Put cyrovials in -80 C. Put one cryovial per box.