
Function to make subplots for several variables

# ----- PLOTTING FUNCTION -------

def plot_hists(df,              # DataFrame with data
               x,               # variable (str, column header of df) or list of variables to plot
               sample_list,     # list of samples (values of column 'ConditionLabel') to plot in order
               name,            # short name (str) for saving the figure
               plot_title=None, # Super-title for plot (optional str)
               xlim=(1e1,1e6),  # tuple or list of tuples (optional) for x-axis range on subplot(s)
               gates=None       # list (optional) of x-values at which to draw vertical lines, i.e. gates

    # Specify additional parameters
    lin = set(['FSC-A','FSC-H','FSC-W','SSC-A','SSC-H','SSC-W']) # list of variables to plot on linear scale (size-related params)
    condition_palette = pd.read_pickle('data/histogram/exp42_palette.pkl') # custom color palette (dict mapping Condition values to colors)
    sns.set_context('talk',rc={'font.family': 'sans-serif', 'font.sans-serif':['Helvetica Neue']})

    sz = len(x) # number of subplots
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,sz,figsize=(sz*7,5))

    # Create each subplot
    for i in range(sz):
        g = sns.kdeplot(data=df, x=x[i], ax=axs[i],
                        hue='ConditionLabel', hue_order=sample_list,    # samples are specified by the 'ConditionLabel' column in df
                        fill=True, alpha = 0.1,                         # shade under the curve, but faintly
                        log_scale=(x[i] not in lin),                    # default to log scale unless variable is in the linear list
                        legend=(i==sz-1),                               # add a legend only to the last subplot
                        common_norm=True)                               # supposed to normalize area under the curve (?)

        # Formatting
        sns.despine(ax=g)      # remove top and right plot border

        # Set the x-axis range based on provided list or value
        if isinstance(xlim,list): g.set_xlim(xlim[i])
        else: g.set_xlim(xlim)

        # Add a vertical line (gate) if specified
        if gates is not None: g.axvline(gates[i], c='gray', ls='--', alpha=0.5)

    # Adjust the legend to the right of the last subplot
    sns.move_legend(axs[-1], title='Condition', loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), frameon=False)

    # Add a super-title to the plot, if specified

    # [NOT APPLICABLE HERE] Save the figure as an image to the path specified by output_path (not defined here)
    #   uses rushd outfile function to save metadata associated with the figure
    # fig.savefig(rd.outfile(output_path/('hist-'+name+'.svg')),bbox_inches='tight')

    return fig

# ----- Load data -----
labeler = pd.read_pickle('data/histogram/exp42_labeler.pkl') # dict mapping short Condition name to long ConditionLabel
data = pd.read_csv('data/histogram/exp42_data-small.csv') # stored DataFrame of data with metadata

# ----- Call the plotting function in a loop to generate plots with subsets of samples -----

# Specify variables -> this will generate two subplots
x = ['mGL-A', 'mCherry-A']

# Filter data
df = data.loc[(data[x[0]]>0) & (data[x[1]]>0)] # remove cells with log-unfriendly values
# Normalize number of cells in each sample (Condition) by downsampling to smallest sample size
num_cells = df.groupby(['Condition','Replicate'])[x[0]].count().min()
df = df.groupby(['Condition']).sample(n=num_cells, random_state=1)

# Dictionary of plots (separate figures) to generate
#  keys = short name that plots are saved under
#  values = list of samples (values in 'Condition' column) to include in the plot
plot_list = {
    'tandem': ['260_False','260_True','261_False','261_True','262_False','262_True'],
    'divergent+dox': ['263_True','264_True','265_True'],
    'hPGK': ['260_False','260_True','263_False','263_True'],

# Loop to create each plot/figure
for name, sample_list in plot_list.items():

    # Convert short sample names above (Condition) to long names (ConditionLabel) -> this is particular to my df organization
    sample_list = [labeler[s] for s in sample_list]
    # Identify the subset of the data to plot
    dd = df.loc[df['ConditionLabel'].isin(sample_list)]

    plot_hists(dd, x, sample_list, name,
               xlim=[(1e0,1e6),(2e0,1e7)],  # specify a different x-axis range for each variable
               gates=[3e2,0])               # draw a gate on the first subplot but not the second

(Source code)